a note to our customers and Partners

We will all be forever changed by this experience but Columbia Opportunities remains committed to our mission – to help solve poverty related problems in our community.  Because of the COVID 19 Pandemic, we have had to change our approach and retool – like so many others in our community.  We are working to keep our customers and staff safe and healthy.  While our six sites remain closed to the public – we continue to provide services and supports remotely.  If you need assistance, please contact us by phone, here through our website, or through our Facebook page.

Community Services – Emergency Food Pantry and Emergency Assistance.  We can help you keep food on your table, a roof over your head, provide sound advice and connect you with other community resources. 

Family Literacy Program & Early Literacy and Learning Network – We continue to offer “phone” visits, 1-to-1 English Language Learning Classes, homework help and early literacy and learning resources to families with preschool age children.

Head Start – We are still supporting our enrolled Head Start families with “phone” visits, teleconference meetings with individuals and groups as well as private FB groups.  We are also accepting applications for the fall.

Home Energy Assistance Program/Weatherization Program – We are still accepting applications for HEAP through the end of June as well as Weatherization Assistance Program with no deadlines.  Most people can apply by mail or email.  You can also ask us questions about the HEAP Cooling Program – free air conditioners for people with health

Volunteer Income Assistance Program – Free tax preparation for low-income individuals and families is now available using a no contact method.  We can also help answer your questions about the Economic Impact Payment.

Help is really just a phone call away – 518-828-4611.

Follow us on Facebook @columbiaoppportunities for updates.

Follow us on Facebook @columbiaoppportunities for updates.