Our Mission:


Columbia Opportunities, Inc. (COI) helps solve poverty-related problems in our community. Our goal is to provide individuals and families with access to whatever resources they need to become self-reliant. 


Photo by Elizabeth Griffin for Columbia County Recovery Kitchen.



Columbia Opportunities Services in need.png

What We Do


COI offers education, advocacy and community involvement to individuals and families with low incomes.

COI offers resources to help people meet their basic needs.

COI helps people move toward economic security.

Click here to learn more about our programs.

Click here to learn more about our team.


Meals for Pre-Schoolers

In 2022, Columbia Opportunities served nutritious meals to preschool-aged children to help them grow and learn.


People received emergency food boxes.



Reduced their home energy Bill

This is how we make a difference! Through our Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), we provided an annual benefit to help with home heating and energy costs.

Berne Bendel, Board Member

Columbia Opportunities changed my life. As a young, new teacher, I worked for COI Head Start and it was through my employment there that I found my passion and purpose in social justice work. It is because of my work at COI that I sought to further my education with a focus on social justice, its intersections with teaching and education, and human services.

Click here to read Berne’s full quote and other testimonials.

Get Involved

Volunteers make a difference! Are you an elder? We can use your help. Young adult? We need you! Busy professional looking to make a difference? Contact us! Check below for ways to volunteer and help Columbia Opportunities to make a difference.


Volunteer Opportunities

Contact us to find out how you can help individuals, families and children in Columbia County.


Looking for meaningful work? Want to help people and change lives? Check our current open positions.

Make a Donation

All donations make a difference. Help families and individuals to thrive in Columbia County. Here’s a list of food pantry items we always need.